The semen analysis from before the surgery had a total count of 10 million which sounds like a lot but is really considered low and the results post surgery is actually only 8.4 million, somebody tell me how this is even possible. I thought having surgery was supposed to increase his sperm not decrease it. His motility is still okay I think it was about 54 % and for those of you reading this who aren't sure what motility is it's just the way the sperm swim. The one thing I was grateful for is that his morphology is still good, this is the one really important factor in determining whether a couple can get pregnant or not. A man can have 600 million sperm for example but if they are shaped wrong it won't matter because they will not be able to penetrate the egg. I know it's crazy all this talk about sperm but when you're suffering with infertility you do A TON OF READING AND RESEARCHING:)
After getting these results James and I were kind of bummed especially James because I think he thought for sure we would still be able to get pregnant without having to do any kind of fertility treatments, while I on the other hand pretty much assumed we'd still have to do at least IUI even if things had improved. He just keeps saying over and over to me "I'm sorry I can't get you pregnant." I feel really bad for him because although we're pretty sure the reason I haven't been able to get pregnant is his sperm, I don't consider it his fault it's OUR infertility problem! So now here we are again waiting and trying to decide what to do next, it seems you do a lot of that when you're trying to have a baby. We've decided to switch to a new doctor, I really like Dr. Blauer but after a couple times of going there and not really getting much help from his staff we figured it was time to move on. We're attending a free patient education seminar next week where this new doctor we've decided to see will be speaking, and he's offering anyone who comes to the seminar 50 % a new patient consultation with him so we're really excited. Instead of paying $230 for a consult which I'd gladly pay we're only going to pay $115. I'm really excited for this and hopefully we'll be able to get in to see him this month so we can start 2012 off with a plan! If anyone is reading this and has any experience with their husband having a varicocele and they went through the surgery, can you tell me what were your results post surgery and what have you been told about your chances of getting pregnant?
DISCLAIMER: The cartoon at the top is not meant to represent our situation, I just thought it was hilarious and sometimes I feel like James' sperm might as well be frogs because they aren't doing their job LOL:)
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